With my interest in longer runs these past few years, I have joked that instead of driving or flying back to Ohio from DC, I would just run. Although I was joking a the time, recently it has come to my attention that this is actually entirely possible. With the aid of trailrunproject.org I have found that at least a partial trail leads in the direction of Ohio, the C&O Canal Towpath.
The trail runs between Cumberland, MD along the border of Pennsylvania and Washington, DC for 190ish miles and is relatively flat. Should I actually do this? It is definitely farther than what I have done before, max has been 50 miles. The more I think about it, the more I think I ought to do it. The worst that can happen is I don't make it all the way to Cumberland, MD and just take a mulligan. I think what really lit the fire for me to do this more "adventurous" run is a talk by a co-worker of mine he gave about his upcoming expedition: a 3,000 mile Atlantic crossing with 4 rowers. That, I thought, is the epitome of athletic endurance. So why not try something a little closer to home? Over the next couple of weeks alongside my last minute preparation for the 42nd Marine Corps Marathon, my 3rd MCM, I will be speccing out the details of this 190 mile expedition. Knowing my preferences for running weather, I will aim to start my first attempt sometime in early 2018 when it is much cooler out. My next post will probably be a recap of the MCM at the end of this month as well some more updates regarding the C&O run. Comments are closed.